Winthrop MA, To CE Greene.
Photo shows the summer group photo mentioned in the letter with Uncle Ned, Will Greene and Judith's stepdaughter, Winnie Tewksbury.
The single portrait shows Aunt Judith Gardner Tewksbury
My dear nephew,
A letter from Winnie this morning tells me you are resting not feeling well. Now, I can hardly imagine you doing so for I never saw any one who could undertake and accomplish more in a short time than you. However, I hope you will be all the stronger from it though enforced.
Those two girls, Nellie and Winnie make a good span when together. Winnie wrote she might come home Tuesday or Wednesday next week. Nellie says she cannot for it has been so cold they could not ride up Fifth Avenue on top of a coach yet and they must do that. They have enjoyed much sight-seeing and calling. That make up of yours was perfect in that last picture you sent. I am going to send one of Uncle Ned's efforts, made for Florence's little girl. You must tell Jim to swallow a bottle of ketchup bottle and all and not let Uncle Ned out-do him in the drawing line.
We have bare ground again and good walking with a very mild day. Last evening my sister and I went down to the Congregational Church at the beach to some Lincoln exercises. His life was illustrated with lantern slides - patriotic songs and solos were given and "Captain, My Captain" and "Perfect Tribute" were read. The Boys' Brigade was present in uniform and acted as ushers. We did not get home till after ten as we missed the first train we ought to have taken - rather late for old folks to be out alone.
The picture which you took last summer when the folks were there at your door, hangs right over the lounge in the sitting room so we can see it the minute we enter the room. Uncle Ned had it enlarged and sent it. It is perfect of all and we only wish you could have managed to have made one of the party. When airships are perfected, tell your father and mother we will fly in and spend an evening.
I must tell you what a plight we were in not long ago of a Saturday. Winnie went to take the bean pot from the oven to make room for some loaves of cake when out dropped the bottom and away went beans, pork and moisture all over the floor. We did not know it had cracked. I told her it was no matter as long as she did not get her feet burned. We had company coming to stay over Sunday but we cleaned up as best we could and had to eat baker's beans that night. Now, I think you will say I am in my dotage writing such stuff.